Photo of Xuezi Dan

Xuezi Dan

Xuezi Dan is an associate in the firm’s Beijing office. Her practice focuses on regulatory compliance, with a particular focus on data privacy and cybersecurity. Xuezi helps clients understand and navigate the increasingly complex privacy regulatory issues in China.

She also has experience advising clients on general corporate and antitrust matters.

With the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the regulatory frameworks for AI in the Asia–Pacific (APAC) region continue to develop quickly. Policymakers and regulators have been prompted to consider either reviewing existing regulatory frameworks to ensure their effectiveness in addressing emerging risks brought by AI, or proposing new, AI-specific rules or regulations. Overall, there appears to be a trend across the region to promote AI uses and developments, with most jurisdictions focusing on high-level and principle-based guidance. While a few jurisdictions are considering regulations specific to AI, they are still at an early stage. Further, privacy regulators and some industry regulators, such as financial regulators, are starting to play a role in AI governance.

This blog post provides an overview of various approaches in regulating AI and managing AI-related risks in the APAC region.  Continue Reading Overview of AI Regulatory Landscape in APAC

On August 25, 2023, China’s National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (“TC260”) released the final version of the Practical Guidelines for Cybersecurity Standards – Method for Tagging Content in Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (《网络安全标准实践指南——生成式人工智能服务内容标识方法》) (“Tagging Standard”) (Chinese version available here), following a draft version circulated earlier this month.Continue Reading Labeling of AI Generated Content: New Guidelines Released in China

On July 13, 2023, the Cybersecurity Administration of China (“CAC”), in conjunction with six other agencies, jointly issued the Interim Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (《生成式人工智能管理暂行办法》) (“Generative AI Measures” or “Measures”) (official Chinese version here).  The Generative AI Measures are set to take effect on August

Continue Reading Key Takeaways from China’s Finalized Generative Artificial Intelligence Measures

On April 11, 2023, the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) released draft Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (《生成式人工智能服务管理办法(征求意见稿)》) (“draft Measures”) (official Chinese version available here) for public consultation.  The deadline for submitting comments is May 10, 2023.Continue Reading China Proposes Draft Measures to Regulate Generative AI