
The FCC announced in a recent Public Notice that it will extend the deadline for compliance with its new television closed captioning quality rules until March 16, 2015.

Previously scheduled to go into effect on January 15, 2015, the quality rules establish standards for television closed captioning concerning (1) accuracy, (2) synchronicity, (3) completeness, and
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In a recent Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM), the FCC announced that it is seeking comment on proposals that would require video programmers to file contact information and closed captioning certifications with the FCC.  Specific topics on which the FCC is seeking comment include the following:

  • Whether video programmers should be required to file

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With hurricane season already in progress, including Hurricane Isaac’s arrival on the Gulf Coast, the FCC has issued a reminder of the obligation to make emergency information accessible to persons with hearing and visual disabilities.  The FCC’s public notice provides additional guidance with respect to what video programming distributors must do to meet the accessibility
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