The World Trade Organization issued approval on Monday for Antigua and Barbuda to impose sanctions on the United States that would authorize the suspension of  “certain concessions and obligations” that Antigua has “under international law to the United States in respect of intellectual property rights.”  The authorization would apply to obligations imposed on Antigua by the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS Agreement”).

This authorization is the latest development in a long-running dispute between Antigua and the United States concerning the U.S. ban on online gambling, which, according to the Financial Minister of Antigua, has “devastated” the Antiguan economy.  After the online gambling ban was instituted, Antigua sought recourse with the WTO, who ruled in Antigua’s favor in 2004.  This latest decision is based on the WTO’s finding that the United States has failed to comply with the judgments issued against it and that Antigua is therefore permitted to sanction the United States.
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China appears to be moving forward with plans to further regulate smartphones.  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently filed a notification with the WTO’s Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade of draft regulations governing applications that are pre-loaded on to smartphones.  The regulations were initially released for comment on June 1, and attracted
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