The FTC has announced that it will hold an informal hearing on its proposed rule regarding consumer reviews and testimonials. This informal hearing follows the Commission’s June 2023 notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on the topic. We previously blogged about key takeaways from the NPRM, which proposed to address a variety of consumer review and testimonial practices that the Commission views as unfair or deceptive, including fake reviews, review hijacking, purchasing reviews, employee reviews, review suppression, and the use of fake indicators of social media influence. Continue Reading FTC Announces Informal Hearing on Proposed Rule Regarding Testimonials and Reviews

Jessica Ke
Jessica Ke is an associate in the firm’s Privacy and Cybersecurity and Advertising and Consumer Protection Investigations practice groups. Jessica advises clients on a wide range of regulatory and compliance issues, including compliance with state comprehensive privacy laws, advertising substantiation issues, and participation in the regulatory process. Jessica also maintains an active pro bono practice.
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