National Institute of Standards and Technology

On October 22, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) Internet of Things (“IoT”) Advisory Board released the Internet of Things Advisory Board Report, which concludes that IoT development has progressed more slowly than anticipated and identifies 26 findings that explain the slower pace of development and growth.  The Report offers 104 recommendations on how the government can help foster IoT development.  The Advisory Board provided this report to the IoT Federal Working Group emphasizing that an IoT transformation will boost U.S. economic growth, increase public safety and national resilience, create a more sustainable planet, individualize healthcare, foster equitable quality of life and well-being, and facilitate autonomous operations of our national infrastructure.  For background, the IoT Federal Working Group was established by Congress in 2020 and was charged with identifying policies and statutes inhibiting IoT development and consider recommendations of the Advisory Board. Continue Reading NIST Report and Recommendations on Fostering Development of the Internet of Things